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Hieftje, KD, Pendergrass, T., Montanaro, E., Kyriakides, T., Florsheim, O., and Fiellin, L., “But do they like it?” Participant satisfaction and gameplay experience of a public health videogame intervention in adolescents,” 2018 IEEE 6th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH), Vienna, 2018, pp. 1-7. doi: 10.1109/SeGAH.2018.8401349.
Camenga, DR, Fiellin, LE, Pendergrass, T., Miller, E., Pentz, M, Hieftje, K. Adolescents’ perceptions of flavored tobacco products, including E-cigarettes: A qualitative study to inform FDA tobacco education efforts through videogames. Addictive Behavior. 2018; Jul; 82: 189-194.
Duncan, LR, Hieftje, KD, Pendergrass, TM, Sawyer, BG, Fiellin, LE. Preliminary investigation of a videogame prototype for cigarette and marijuana prevention in adolescents. Substance Abuse, 2018; Feb 9; 1-5.
Fiellin, LE, Hieftje, KD, Pendergrass, TM, Kyriakides, TC, Duncan, LR, Dzuira, JD, Sawer, BG, Mayes, L, Crusto, CA, Forsyth, BW, Fiellin, DA. Video Game Intervention for Sexual Risk Reduction in Minority Adolescents: Randomized Controlled Trial. J Med Internet Res. 2017; Sept 18; 19(9):e314.
Hieftje, K., Pendergrass, T., Kyriakides, T.C., Gilliam, W., Fiellin, L. An Evaluation of an Educational Video Game on Mathematics Achievement in First Grade Students. Technologies. 2017;30(5):2-8.
Hieftje, K., Duncan, L., Pendergrass, T., Sawyer, B., & Fiellin, L. Development of a HIV prevention videogame: Lessons learned. International Journal of Serious Games. 2016 April-June; 3(2):83-90.
Fiellin, L.E., Kyriakides, T.C., Hieftje, K.D., et al. The design and implementation of a randomized controlled trial of a risk reduction and human immunodeficiency virus prevention videogame intervention in minority adolescents: PlayForward: Elm City Stories. Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials. 2016; March 25: 1-9.
Pendergrass, T., Hieftje, K., Crusto, C., Montanaro, E., & Fiellin, L. If we build it, will they come? A qualitative study of key stakeholder opinions on the implementation of a videogame intervention for risk reduction in adolescents. Games for Health Journal. 2015; 5(4):1-7.
Brown, K., Bull, S., Christensen, J., Hieftje, K., Jozkowski, K., & Ybarra, M. Serious games for sexual health. Games for Health Journal, 4(2), 1-9. 2015. doi: 10.1089/g4h.2014.0139
Fiellin L, Hieftje KD, Duncan L. Videogames, here for good. Pediatrics. 2014;134(5):849-851.