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Marks, A. “Virtual Reality: Looking to the Future of Telehealth.” Managed Healthcare Executive, 1 Oct 2020,
Weser VU, Duncan LR, Pendergrass TM, Fernandes CS, Fiellin LE, Hieftje KD. A Quasi-Experimental Test of a Virtual Reality Game Prototype for Adolescent E-Cigarette Prevention. Addictive Behaviors. 2020 Sep 2:106639.
Weser, V., Hieftje, K.D. Invite Only VR: A Vaping Prevention Game: An Evidence-Based VR Game for Health and Behavior Change. In Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference Talks (SIGGRAPH ’20 Talks), 2020 Aug. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2 pages.
Pendergrass, T., Hieftje, K., Duncan, L., Fiellin, L. Videogame Intervention to Encourage HIV Testing and Counseling among Adolescents: A Pilot Study.
Hieftje, K., Fernandes, C., Lin, I, Fiellin, L. Effectiveness of a Web-Based Tobacco Product Use Prevention Videogame Intervention on Young Adolescents’ Beliefs and Knowledge. Substance Abuse. 2019 Dec 11:1-7.
Hieftje, K, Duncan, L, Florsheim, O, Sawyer, B, Fiellin, E, One Night Stan: Feasibility Study of an HIV Prevention and Sexual Risk Reduction Social Card Game for Young Black Women. Games for Health Journal, 2019 Apr;8(2):112-120.
Coulter, R; Sang, J; Louth-Marquez, W, Henderson, E, Espelage, D, Hunter, S, DeLucas, M, Abebe, K, Miller, E, Morill, D, Hieftje, K, Friedman, & M, Egan, J. Pilot Testing the Feasibility of a Game Intervention Aimed at Improving Help Seeking and Coping Among Sexual and Gender Minority Youth: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols. 2019. 8(2):e12164.
Pentz, MA, Hieftje, K, Pendergrass, T, Brito, S, Liu, M, Arora, T, Tindle, A, Krishnan-Sarin, K, Fiellin, LE. A Videogame Intervention for Tobacco Product Use Prevention in Adolescents. Addictive Behaviors. 2019 Apr;91:188-192
Weser V, Proffitt DR. Making the visual tangible: Substituting lifting speed limits for object weight in VR. PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality. 2019 Mar;27(1):68-79.
Gariepy A, Hieftje K, Pendergrass T, Miller E, Dziura J, Fiellin L. Development and feasibility testing of a videogame intervention to reduce high-risk sexual behavior in Black and Hispanic adolescents. Games for Health Journal: Research, Development, and Clinical Applications. E-pub ahead of print.